Tata Power Solar-10m X 9m 3D Stall Design for REI 2017



We have blocked the following stall for REI 2018, as per the floor plan attached.


Booth No 14.115


As per last year, we will be sharing the stall with TBSL, the approximate share would be 70:30.


Please share the stall design options and cost.


You may check with TBSL on their demo requirements. Please note that their table last time was slightly bigger than what could be comfortably accommodated. We have requested them to reduce the size of the table a bit to ensure there is sufficient space to move around and for optimal aesthetics. Please discuss and adjust accordingly.


Abhinav from the Solar team will be coordinating for the same. We will also need a demo in our space, Abhinav will share the specifications/ drawings etc.


The usual instructions are applicable:

1.       Main logos to be backlit.

2.       A small meeting room or partially covered meeting space.

3.       TV.

4.       A small storage area.

5.       Hostess, tabletop requirements.


Panel a/w will be shared once the nos and sizes and sizes are finalized.



Anonymous said…
Phenomenal work!